From the Dean's Desk
Below you will find more information pertaining to the different commencement exercises offered by the college and the university. The faculty and staff of the College of the Arts look forward to celebrating your academic achievement with you and your guests.
- Dean Wade Weast
All updates regarding Georgia State commencement activities can be found at
The university will host an in-person ceremony for master’s-degree candidates from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, College of Arts & Sciences, College of the Arts, College of Education & Human Development, J. Mack Robinson College of Business and the School of Public Health.
The ceremony will be held Thursday, May 13 at 9 a.m. (Friday, May 14 is being held as an inclement weather date.)
The late registration deadline is Friday, April 16. Click here to submit your RSVP.
For the in-person master's ceremony questions, please email [email protected] and follow for updates.
Separate from the university's in-person ceremony, the College of the Arts will be releasing a celebratory master's degree video and invite the master's candidates to participate.
College of the Arts Celebratory Video
The College of the Arts invites the graduating master's candidates to participate in a celebratory video for their master's degree accomplishments. Please note that this video is separate from the university's in-person master's ceremony.
We encourage you to submit one of the following options:
Option #1: Submit a photo and/or quote
Click here to submit a photo
Click here to submit a quote (Short is best and no more than 200 characters)
Option #2: Submit a 15-20 second video message using “ThankView” Graduates will receive a separate email invitation from “ThankView” to easily upload a video message.
Here are a few suggestions for submitting a quote or video:
Express your gratitude to your family, friends, influential professors and anyone who helped you throughout your school journey
Send a parting wish to the Class of 2021
Share what you are doing after graduation
Use your own words to share a special message
Deadline: Please submit no later than Wednesday, April 28.
The video will be released on May 13, the same day as the in-person master's ceremony. As we get closer to the date, a link will be sent to you to share with your family and friends.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.