Zameh Omonuwa "Hood" Film Short
Title: "Hood"
August 10, 2020
Directed and edited by Zameh Omonuwa
Time length: 5 minutes
Available on YouTube
"A White teen puts on a black hood that transfers his consciousness into the body of a Black teen, accessing their hopes, dreams, fears and trauma. Throughout the experience, the White teen’s body and mind react in real-time, changing his perception of the Black experience in the United States."
Zameh Omonuwa recently graduated in spring 2020 with a B.A. in Film and Media from the School of Film, Media & Theatre.
The film was featured on Amplify Two, presented by liquid blackness, a research project at Georgia State on blackness and aesthetics. The Amplify program is a curated conversation series centered on student films and writings, showcasing emerging radical cinematic aesthetics that advocate, protest, reflect, heal, empower, affirm, uplift and cultivate community.
"Hood" Film credits
- "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday (in U.S. public domain)
- "This is America" by Donald Glover (5 seconds of audio used and altered)
- Excerpt from Rosedale: The Way It Is (1975) (public domain)
- Nerf advertisement excerpt (rights to Hasbro)
- Excerpt from Black Panther director Ryan Coogler (Rights to Marvel Inc.)
- This film consists of public domain found footage and non-copyrighted audio.